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For Agnes, Hope Starts Here

For Agnes, Hope Starts Here

When our team found Agnes, her cupboards were empty, she had no medication to manage her illnesses, and no phone to call for the help she so desperately needed. 

Elderly, living alone, and confined to a wheelchair, she was a prisoner in her own home. 

Agnes relied on her adult children for support and care. Instead of protecting their mother, however, they were taking advantage of her trust and vulnerability.

It was deeply upsetting to hear Agnes speak of the emotional, financial, and physical abuse she had suffered. Her children were accessing her bank accounts, had isolated her from all other supports, and had left Agnes helpless, scared, and alone. 

Too many seniors are abused in Alberta each year. Many at the hands of a family member or loved one. 

COVID-19 has made this crisis worse. More seniors than ever before are struggling with isolation, loneliness, and abuse. 

Since the pandemic began calls from seniors facing abuse have increased by one-third.

No one deserves to live out their final years suffering or alone. YOU can help by making a donation today to support seniors in need.

We provided Agnes with a phone so she can call for help. We filled her fridge and cupboards with nutritious food. She now has the right medications, a secure bank account that her children cannot access, and, we were able to secure accessible, subsidized senior’s housing for her. 

Today, Agnes lives with the freedom that she was denied for so long. She has the peace and dignity she deserves.  

Our Elder Abuse Resources and Supports program is entirely funded by donors like you through Sign of Hope. Now more than ever we need YOUR support to ensure seniors like Agnes can access the help they need today, tomorrow, and beyond.

Please, donate today, and help end abuse against seniors in our community.


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