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For Frank, Hope Starts Here

For Frank, Hope Starts Here

Frank felt alone.


He was an addict who spent ten years on the streets before he could secure a stable home. Today, even though he lives in his own apartment, staying sober is a real challenge, because addiction is also driven by a lack of human connection.


Frank needed a way to belong.

That is where Catholic Social Services Welcome Home program comes in.


Welcome Home is a 100% Sign of Hope funded initiative.


It offers friendship and support to people like Frank.


Frank’s apartment was safe. He could cook and clean. But without the Welcome Home volunteers Frank felt alone.


Now Frank has friends who visit him regularly to meet for coffee, go for a walk or to visit a museum together.

The temptation of returning to the streets to a life of addiction is greatly lessened.


No one chooses this life.


An unexpected illness; a business deal gone-wrong; a broken marriage or the loss of a loved one. Homelessness has many causes. Frank could be your neighbour or he could be mine.

 In truth, it could be any of us.


A home offers security and shelter.  But many homeless people return to the streets to find their friends and often return to their addiction. Because of your support our Welcome Home Program has served people like Frank since 2012.


Welcome Home combats loneliness and social isolation so newly housed individuals can transform their lives.

The volunteer-based program matches participants with volunteers, to meet in the community several times a month and engage in meaningful activities together.


The connections people form are real, and the impact of Welcome Home is profound.


Frank says that as a recovering addict, these visits put him back in touch with society and helped him stay sober. For that, he is extremely grateful. Hope started with the friendships he found through Welcome Home.


For Frank Welcome Home has provided the beginning of a new life. For many others it has been a lifeline.

Since its inception, Welcome Home has supported more than 180 participants. 97% of those people have remained off the streets and, like Frank, are rebuilding their lives.


This happens because of your donations. 


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